[Nagiosplug-help] redirect issue

Dave Athanas Dave.Athanas at hansoninc.com
Sat Mar 21 02:44:45 CET 2009


I am wondering why when running a service check (check_http plugin) I
will get a OK (OK - HTTP/1.1 302 Found ) when the site issues a redirect
and it seems it doesn't perform the  string check (-s) and therefore
doesn't trigger a warning. Is there a way I can configure so that it
will still do the string check?


If there is no 302 issued it will verify the string check.


Dave Athanas

System Engineer


H A N S O N   I N C .


MAUMEE OH 43537-4003

P.  419 327 6100 ext. #153

M.  419 280 8122


dave.athanas at hansoninc.com <mailto:dave.athanas at hansoninc.com>  

www.hansoninc.com <http://www.hansoninc.com>  



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