[Nagiosplug-help] Help for a beginner - check_log

Cullum, Matthew matthew.cullum at linklaters.com
Wed Mar 18 12:25:48 CET 2009

Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to nagios after foolishly suggesting it
as an alternative to
HP openview that my company currently uses. A daft move as I now have
been charged
with setting up a system for evaluation. 
I have configured most of the systems ok and have nrpe working however I
am having some
issues with the check_log plugin, it is now reporting 

Status Information: Log check error: Log file -O does not exist! 
It was working, so I am pretty confused! 
The definition on the client nrpe.cfg is 
#Matts check_log definition
command[check_log]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_log -F $ARG1$ -O $ARG2$
-q $ARG3$ 
and at the server end 
# check_log command definition
define command{
command_name check_log
command_line $USER1$/check_log -F /var/log/messages -O
/var/tmp/check_log_messages -q "yum"
When run on the command line it works fine. 
Can anyone shed any light on this or suggest where to look? 

Matthew Cullum
Application Infrastrcuture Team
Linklaters LLP, Colchester
Tel: (01206) 754 077
Fax: (01206) 754 140
Mobile: (07825) 528519
matthew.cullum at linklaters.com

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