[Nagiosplug-help] Help with understanding NRPE logs
vittal.sharada at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 18:02:30 CEST 2009
New user to this list. I have a question about this syslog messages -
Jun 9 15:53:32 nrpe[16082]: There's already an NRPE server running (PID
3912). Bailing out...
Jun 9 15:53:32 nagios3: EXTERNAL COMMAND:
PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;localhost;syslog1;2;Jun 9 15:53:32
nrpe[16082]: There's already an NRPE server running (PID 3912). Bailing
Jun 9 15:53:34 nagios3: PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK: localhost ;syslog1;2;Jun 9
15:53:32 nrpe[16082]: There's already an NRPE server running (PID 3912).
Bailing out...
Jun 9 15:53:34 nagios3: SERVICE ALERT: localhost;syslog1
;CRITICAL;HARD;1;Jun 9 15:53:32 nrpe[16082]: There's already an NRPE
server running (PID 3912). Bailing out..
I have a main monitoring server(A) running nagios3 , and remote server(B)
running NRPE server.
Even though I instance of NRPE is running on the *remote(B)* server, I see
this message on the *monitoring(A)* server syslogs.
Trying to understand what this means...and how this can be stopped.
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