[Nagiosplug-help] Question about check_http

Eikelenboom, Hans Heikelenboom at alphenaandenrijn.nl
Fri Jan 23 14:07:47 CET 2009

I have a webpage where a publish a license count.
Total Usages: 7
Is it possible to check this license with check_http.
I want to get a warning if the license has reached the limit.
Let's say
If the total Usages above 22 then i want to get a warning / critical 
Kind Regards,
Eikelenboom, Hans
Informatievoorziening en Automatisering 
Gemeente Alphen aan den Rijn
Stadhuisplein 1, , 2405 SH, Alphen aan den Rijn
T 465547 | M | F 
E HEikelenboom at alphenaandenrijn.nl | I  
W http://www.alphenaandenrijn.nl <http://www.alphenaandenrijn.nl/>  
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