[Nagiosplug-help] NRPE: Unable to read output

Andreas Wehrmann a.wehrmann at centersystems.com
Wed Feb 18 07:55:51 CET 2009

Stupid questions, but have you looked into the log messages?
I had some similiar problem and the log told me that the machine that's
trying to get information via nrpe is not allowed.

Hopefully it's just as easy as that.



Brian Tomjack wrote:
> Well i think this is the right place for this, since it seems plugin 
> related to me.
> Here is the setup, my nagios server is on the same network, behind the 
> core router. The server i am trying to monitor is behind an outlying 
> firewall. I have configured both to work over port 5666 and have opened 
> the appropriate firewall port to the remote host.
> I know that nagios i working fine because it has several hundred other 
> hosts on it all working fine. and i know that nrpe must be (mostly) 
> working ok on the remote host in question because the check_load via 
> nrpe is working fine to that remote host.
> My problem is that when the nagios server checks the mailq on the remote 
> host it gets back:
> [root at ns1 ~]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H 
> remote.server.ip.address -c check_mailq
> NRPE: Unable to read output
> on the remote host, in the nrpe config:
> command[check_mailq]="sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mailq -w 120 
> -c 175"
> from the remote host /etc/sudousers:
> nagios ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mailq
> now, on the remote host, i can run it manually and get:
> [nagios at ns1 ~]$ sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mailq -w 120 -c 175
> CRITICAL: mailq is 194 (threshold c = 175)|unsent=194;120;175;0
> and finally, on the remote host. if i configure it to allow requests 
> from and run the nrpe command i get this:
> [nagios at ns1 ~]$ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -c 
> check_mailq
> NRPE: Unable to read output
> (the same result as when run from the nagios server)
> so im stumped. the plugin is working on the remote host, and nrpe is 
> working because i can execute the check_load via nrpe from the nagios 
> server to the remote host and it works just fine. its only when i run 
> the check_mailq via nrpe do i get a output read error. the nagios server 
> is a fedora server, the remote host is a centos server. im not sure what 
> else to check on so any suggestions are appreciated, as this is the only 
> machine that i am having problems monitoring the mailq on.
> Brian
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