[Nagiosplug-help] Help with monitoring memory usage of an individual process on a W2K3sp2 box

Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 02:58:28 CET 2009

Try using NC_Net

use the COUNTER to test performance Counters.
use the Process category with the Working set COunter and the name of the
instance that matches you process name
if using Check_nc_net then use the --help =COUNTERS to get detailed examples

The basic example is something like
-l "//Process(INSTANCECNAME)//COunterName"
or with nc_Net and Check_nc_net
-l "^Process^INSTANCECNAME^COunterName"
Check_nt and Check_nc_net have some other output/perfdata formating options
in the command line,

Counters also Support -c and -w for evaluating thresholds

Tony (Author of NC_NEt)

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Ron Merrifield <ronmerrifield at yahoo.com>wrote:

>   Looking for advice or a link to examples where I can use a check_nt
> argument ?? to test the memory that an individual process is consuming and
> depending on what is returned sending out the appropriate alert.  I have
> also been looking at the check_snmp plugin but am still figuring out how to
> configure that one as well.
> Respectfully,
> Ron Merrifield
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