[Nagiosplug-help] Plugins to compile selectable?

Andreas Wehrmann a.wehrmann at centersystems.com
Tue Feb 17 12:42:58 CET 2009


A colleague of mine found the problem.
He says it's because of the way that is being used for searching for 
OpenSSL. There is a -I/usr/include as compiler option which causes i.e. 
check_nrpe to look into inet/in.h in which all the Intel LittleEndian 
stuff is declared, but m68k is BigEndian.
Furthermore, the following options right before calling ./configure 
helped with the get_fs_usage() problem:

It all works now :-)

Andreas Wehrmann

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 16/02/09 08:05 AM, Andreas Wehrmann wrote:
>> Dear folks,
>> I'm trying to compile the Nagiosplugins on the m68k Architecture but the 
>> compilation process always cancels when compiling the Plugin 
>> "check_disk". (Undefined reference to get_fs_usage()).
>> However, I don't need this particular plugin anyway and wanted to ask if 
>>   it is possible to tell ./configure which plugins to compile only.
>> If it's not possible to tell what plugins to compile specifically, is 
>> there an easy way to exclude "check_disk" from the building process?
> There's multiple ways:
> 1. Compile manually your plugins: "cd plugins; make check_stuff", etc.
> You youll have to install them manually as well.
> 2. Remove referenced to check_disk from Makefile (or from Makefile.am
> but you'll need a working installation of GNU auto* tools)
> 3 (haven't tried): use make -i (ignore errors)
> BTW get_fs_usage() is from Gbulib. If you give more details on your OS I
> can check if it should compile on it and possibly report a bug on their
> ML. But first please be sure to try with both 1.4.13 and the latest
> snapshot, as Gnulib was updated in the Nagios plugins recently.
> Snapshots are available here:
> http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/snapshot/
> Thanks
> - --
> Thomas
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