[Nagiosplug-help] check_squid.pl cannot run in Nagios ; works from the CLI

Peter Spatz peter.spatz at xchanging.com
Thu Dec 10 07:44:36 CET 2009


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards


Peter Spatz
IT Networks & Support – Data Center Services

Xchanging Transaction Bank GmbH
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E-mail:                 peter.spatz at xchanging.com

----- Originalnachricht -----
Von: J4 <junk4 at klunky.co.uk>
An: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net <nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net>
Gesendet: Wed Dec 09 14:49:12 2009
Betreff: [Nagiosplug-help] check_squid.pl cannot run in Nagios ;works from the CLI


    I have just installed Nagios on a new system for testing purposes. 
I have downloaded a plugin and copied it into

The script is available from here: 
Or from tinyURL:  http://tinyurl.com/yzt8g2o

I have created a service:
define service{
        use                             remote-service         ; Name of
service template to use
        host_name                       fredprox
        service_description             SQUID
        check_command                   check_squid
        notifications_enabled           0

I have created a command:
# 'check_squid' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_squid
        command_line    $USER1$/check_squid.pl -u http://www.google.com
-p fredprox -l 8080 -e200

If I run the script from the command line I have:
# ./check_squid.pl -u http://www.google.com -p fredprox -l 8080 -e200
OK - Status: 200 OK

However, using it from within Nagios causes the error:[1260361223]
[1260361245] EXTERNAL COMMAND:
[1260361253] SERVICE ALERT: demeter;SQUID;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;(null)
[1260361313] SERVICE ALERT: demeter;SQUID;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;(null)
[1260361373] SERVICE ALERT: demeter;SQUID;CRITICAL;SOFT;3;(null)
[1260361433] SERVICE ALERT: demeter;SQUID;CRITICAL;HARD;4;(null)

I have set debugging to 128, but nagios.debug is empty.

I expect that I do not have a clear understanding (or any understanding)
of the plugins, and find the documentation bewildering, to be frank :(

Perhaps, it has something to do with the $USER1$ specification in the
command, but I could not find any documentation about this and what it
was used for.

Does anyone have any advise, or even the answers?

Best regards, J.

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