[Nagiosplug-help] Remote plug-in reporting to Nagios host

Adam Robins arobins at PharmaCentra.com
Tue Aug 25 22:09:33 CEST 2009


We are making the move from Big Brother to Nagios.  I have a custom plug-in (shell script) running on a remote linux server that parses an application log file looking for process failures.  I have successfully gotten the plug-in (via NRPE) to report OK, CRITICAL, etc. to the Nagios host.

One very useful thing I could do with Big Brother was to send a text block along with the return code from the remote to the host.  For example, I would send a tail of the log file.  It would then display on that servers web page in the BB display.  Is there a way to accomplish this or something similar with Nagios?


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