[Nagiosplug-help] How to use Check_snmp

AL Chow (LWHKG-S) al.chow at logwin-logistics.com
Fri Apr 24 10:58:29 CEST 2009

Dear Sir,

            I had setup the Nagios 3 service to monitor my RHEL 3 via

The default service is now can be monitored by default:

-          CPU Loading

-          Current Logon User

-          Swap Usage

-          Total Process Run

-          Zombie Processes



As I know that if need to monitor the CPU Temp, Fan Speed, etc. I
require using check_snmp.

By using this service, what I need to setup? Require to download the
Plug-In "check_snmp"?

Or it is monitor by SNMP protocol without using NRPE client agent?


AL Chow


System Administrator | HK, Taiwan & South China


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