[Nagiosplug-help] Eror On Host Client in Win Server 2003

Edi Syahputra edi_vanjat at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 16 09:36:09 CEST 2009

NSClient++ - could not fetch information from serverI have nagios istalled on linux ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition.
I want to monitoring windows machine.

Can some one help me i keep getting these errors Client installed on Server2003 
CPU Load 
WARNING         10-19-2007 12:40:23         0d 0h 2m 44s         2/3 could not fetch information from server 
NSClient++ Version 
WARNING         10-19-2007 12:40:58         0d 0h 2m 9s         2/3 could not fetch information from server 
WARNING         10-19-2007 12:39:33         0d 0h 1m 34s         1/3 could not fetch information from server


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