[Nagiosplug-help] How to install NRPE on Solaris 8

Dave Sailors dsailors at sorrentonet.com
Sat Sep 13 01:06:25 CEST 2008



I'm trying to install NRPE on Solaris 8 and not having much luck. I
found a site at http://www.terdmonk.com/node/11. When I get to the part
where it says: 
mv nrpe/manifest/nagios-nrpe.xml /var/svc/manifest/network
It fails because there is no directory called /var/svc/manifest/network
on my Solaris 8 machine. So I'm guessing this is for a later version of
The only instructions I've been able to find are for Linux using xinet
but Solaris 8 uses inet.d.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
dsailors at sorrentonet.com


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