[Nagiosplug-help] Help with writing RegEx in map file related to NagiosGraph

Justin Amburn justinjoseph24 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 26 01:30:47 CET 2008

  upon first glance, it seems that the match is giving up at the forward slash at date=25/
Try broadening the regexp match to include forward slashes.

From: rrvkumar at hotmail.com
To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:17:46 +0000
Subject: [Nagiosplug-help] Help with writing RegEx in map file related to	NagiosGraph

Hi All 
Below is the Output that I have for 
which iam trying to write a map file.
JbossConnPoolData OK 
My RegEx in map 

and push @s, [ 
                ['date' , GAUGE , $1 
                [ 'time',   GAUGE, 
$2 ],
                [ 'BlockTimeout',   
GAUGE, $3 ],
                [ 'AvlbeConnCount',  
GAUGE, $4 ],
                [ 'ConnectCount', 
GAUGE, $5 ],
                [ 'MinSize',  GAUGE, 
$6 ],
                [ 'MaxConnInUse', 
GAUGE, $7 ],
                [ 'MaxSize',  GAUGE, 
$8 ],
                [ 'InUseConnCount', 
GAUGE, $9 ],
'ConnCreatdCount',  GAUGE, $10 ],
'ConnDestroyesCount', GAUGE, $11 ],
'IdleTimeOutInMin', GAUGE, $12 ] ];
Can someone please tell me where am 
going wrong, when I validate the map file with perl –c map it says OK. But the 
rrd files are not getting generated for this regex 

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