[Nagiosplug-help] check_ssh/check_tcp and icmp ping

Jim McNamara jim at packetalk.net
Mon Nov 3 15:33:16 CET 2008

It is likely to be your check-host-alive that the ping is called. On the
default install from source, check-host-alive is check_ping. If the host
you want to monitor doesn't allow pings, then I define
chesk-host-alive2, and make check-host-alive2 use check_ssh instead. 

You also have the option of making the check-host-alive command
something that always returns a 0 exit code, like /bin/echo, but the
downside of that is even when the host is down, it will still show as
green on your map.

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 15:05 +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:

> Johan Postma wrote:
> > dear list
> > 
> > I want to check the ssh connection to an external host, however I am not
> > allowed/able to send icmp requests. If I use the check_ssh or check_tcp
> > plugin, apparently a ping request is also sent, resulting in a nagios
> > state "host down", is there a way to disable these icmp requests?
> > 
> They don't send ping requests. At least not the ICMP_ECHO kind. If you're
> watching the network traffic with a packet sniffer (such as Wireshark),
> you could well be seeing Nagios' attempts at running the previously
> configured ping check (or some such). Whatever it is, neither check_ssh
> nor check_tcp have any knowledge if the ICMP protocol what so ever.
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