[Nagiosplug-help] check_netscreen_vpn

Tim Van Caeyzeele Tim.Van.Caeyzeele at cernum.com
Fri May 23 14:12:07 CEST 2008

Dear All

I'm a new linux / nagios user, however I learned a lot over the past weeks when struggling with nagios.

I have nagios installed on a virtual machine running UBUNTU latest edition (desktop)

Since we are using VPN connections on our netscreen router, I would like to use the check_netscreen_vpn script, however I have no idea how to use it.

Should I compile it first ? how ?

I know how to handle it afterwards (editing the commands.cfg etc..)

Thanks upfront for your help!

Tim Van Caeyzeele
IT Administrator

Cernum | Kareelstraat 48 | 9300 Aalst | Belgium | T +32 53 80 26 40 | F +32 53 80 26 35
tim.van.caeyzeele at cernum.com<mailto:tim.van.caeyzeele at cernum.com>
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