[Nagiosplug-help] wmi perl and me

Jessica Kohlbecker JKohlbecker at orcc.com
Fri Mar 7 16:57:38 CET 2008

Hello again,


I have figured out a bit more information on what I am really looking
for in monitoring memory on windows 2000 + servers.  Comparing the
script check_disk_wmi.pl where it queries wmi by using the following:


my $query = "select DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size from Win32_LogicalDisk
where DriveType = 3";

my $command = sprintf '%s/wmic -U %s%%"%s" //%s "%s" 2>&1', $cmddir,
$np->opts->username, $password, $np->opts->hostname, $query;


I determined that in order to check virtual memory on the server I
really need to reference the windows class
Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration.  I can get a positive result by


./wmic -U UID%PWD //host "select * from

CLASS: Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration


4079556|Logical Memory Configuration|Logical Memory


Now I need to harness this information into a perl script that is run on
a Linux environment therefore clientless on our windows machines.  I did
install NS Client on a test box, however I wasn't able to pull the graph
information so I am hoping someone out there created a perl script to
use just WMI to pull information from windows into their linux based
nagios environment without having to install a client.  


Thanks in advanced and hope it made sense.


Jessica Kohlbecker




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