[Nagiosplug-help] Antwort: locking out AD account

Sascha.Runschke at gfkl.com Sascha.Runschke at gfkl.com
Wed Jun 25 09:12:33 CEST 2008

nagiosplug-help-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net schrieb am 24.06.2008 

> Since ~ Friday nagios appears to be locking out random servers AD 
> accounts.  I know what you’re thinking, what changed?!  I went 
> through log files, and even grep’d the entire /etc/nagios directory 
> and subdirectories for the connection string to make sure that the 
> $USER#$ userID matched the corresponding $USER#$ password.  I looked
> at all the files mod dates and made sure to fine tooth comb those to
> no avail.  Anyone run into this?  Its more of a needle in the 
> haystack kinda thing and I don’t expect anyone to know exactly OH 
> yeah do this!  But I am definitely going nuts trying to find it so I
> figured hey why not!

Well, I'm rather thinking: How the hell can Nagios lock AD accounts?
If you do not describe what you did at all, I doubt anyone can help
you. I have absolutely no clue why someone would want to define
some $USER#$ or whatever and what it would have to do with AD ;)

Please be more descriptive in your posts to the list. We cannot
guess what you are doing, hence we cannot tell you what might be
wrong with your setup.

First of all: Problems with Nagios itself do not belong to the
nagiosplug list, this one is about the plugins for Nagios.

Second: What does your Nagios have to do with your AD at all?


PS: I'll be CC'ing this to the Nagios-Users list.

Sascha Runschke
Netzwerk-  und  Systemmanagement
Telefon : +49 (201) 102-1879 Mobil : +49 (173) 5419665 Fax : +49 (201) 

GFKL Financial Services AG
Vorstand: Dr. Peter Jänsch (Vors.), Jürgen Baltes, Dr. Till Ergenzinger, Dr. Tom Haverkamp
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Georg F. Thoma
Sitz: Limbecker Platz 1, 45127 Essen, Amtsgericht Essen, HRB 13522
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