[Nagiosplug-help] check_snmp question

Jessica Kohlbecker JKohlbecker at orcc.com
Fri Jun 20 21:24:51 CEST 2008

I am really new to the SNMP scene and I've tried googling this but
because I don't totally understand what I am looking at, I am not sure
how to google it.


I am setting up check_snmp to work with a snmp monitor (basically
monitoring a monitoring server) and I finally got the correct command to
get a response, but I have no idea what is normal ranges to add it to
the warning and critical thresholds... 


Here is an example:


-sh-3.1$ ./check_snmp -H -o .(OID String) -C public -P 2c
-w 50 -c 1

SNMP CRITICAL - *9483* | iso.(OID String)=9483


Now I randomly picked numbers for the critical and warning Thresholds,
however what is a more realistic number?  Or better yet, how do I
determine that number?


Jessica Kohlbecker

Systems Administrator

Online Resources Corporation

BTS IT Services

4795 Meadow Wood Lane

Suite 300

Chantilly, VA 20151


www.orcc.com <http://www.orcc.com> 

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