[Nagiosplug-help] Configuring Service Escalation in Nagios

pavan kumar rrvkumar at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 25 09:29:26 CEST 2008

Hi all,

Did anyone work in  
Configuring Service Escalation in Nagios,as how to send Email Alert for a 
particular process/Service when it reaches critical warning 
state(using escalations.cfg). Did it work .
define serviceescalation{
        host_name               10.10.x.x
        service_description   Automation Manager
        contact_groups          admins
        first_notification      3
        last_notification       5
        notification_interval   2
        escalation_options      [w,u,c]
I tried configuring the service escalation as above,but even when the service is down and checks have been performed multiple times,i  get mail for all process which are down,but i have configured the mail only for this process  "Automation Manager".
How to limit the Email alert only for a particular process! .Is this dependant on any other file also ..? Can someone pls help me on how to go ahead with this ..?


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