[Nagiosplug-help] nagios and ndoutils error

Edwin Fausto Jiménez Aguilar fausto4ever at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 16 19:57:40 CEST 2008

Hi, I have a problem with nagios and the addon ndoutils.
I try with diferent versions of nagios (2.x 3.x) and ndoutils 1.x b6, b7 and don't work.
My os is a Fedora 9 x64 with mysql 5.x
the error is: I can't conect to mysql in the nagios log
I try make the scr with ./configure --with mysql-lib=/lib64/mysql and no error founds, the libraries are ok
I don't undertands the error, you can help me?
or say me a configuration de elements (SO, nagios version, ndoutils version)  where all running fine.
Tks very much!!!
Edwin Jimenez
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