[Nagiosplug-help] plugin 'check_disk' fails on Solaris 10 with 16 TiB volume (with research) (SUCCESS)
Thomas Guyot-Sionnest
dermoth at aei.ca
Tue Jan 29 13:21:29 CET 2008
Hash: SHA1
On 14/01/08 09:51 AM, Dennis Jenkins wrote:
> Success!
> Thank you very much for your insight and help Thomas. After
> tracking down the compiler tool-chain, I attempted the following:
> PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin CFLAGS=' -m64
> ' ./configure && make
> -bash-3.00$ ./plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% /
> DISK OK - free space: / 4939 MB (46% inode=80%);| /=5790MB;8670;9754;0;10838
> -bash-3.00$ ./plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% /zpool1/
> DISK OK - free space: /zpool1 16815321 MB (99% inode=99%);|
> /zpool1=59476MB;13499838;15187318;0;16874798
Sorry for replying so late, your reply went straight to my spam folder...
I'm glad it fixed your problem. You didn't give many details though, did
you modified the source of fsusage.c and mountlist.c, or only compiled
64bits? In my tests 32/64bits didn't matter, but the source change made
the trick.
The patch I put in SVN is slightly different and the "correct" way of
fixing this. It could be nice that you try applying it to a fresh 1.4.11
source tree and confirm that check_disk works as expected (you shouldn't
need -m64 either). I could verify that check_disk was using the 64-bit
version with this patch but I don't have any 16TB array at home to test
with ;)
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