[Nagiosplug-help] check_nt returning bogus values

Jeremy Farrar jeremy.farrar at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 16:46:01 CET 2008

I am in the process of setting up a Nagios system to monitor my datacenter.
So far, I have 55 hosts in my windows hostgroup. One of the commands that I
am running against the windows host group checks for CPU utilization on the
servers using check_nt and NC_Net. Out of the 55 servers, two of them return
a CPU utilization of 4294967295%. All of the other servers run normally. I
have uninstalled the NC_Net service and manually removed the registry
entries as highlighted in the documentation that comes with the service. I
still have the same error after reinstalling. I actually receive 4294967295%
as the utilization if I run the check_nt command manually from the CLI. That
leads me to believe that the issue is with the server itself rather than
Nagios. Has anyone ran into this issue before? Any assistance would be
greatly appreciated.

Jeremy Farrar
Systems Integrator
Adapt of America

P.S. I imagine this issue has come up before. I searched the archives but I
could not find anything addressing this issue. I apologize in advance if
this has been addressed before.
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