[Nagiosplug-help] nagios http string

a a fantice at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 22:57:39 CET 2008


I have some Nagios issue.

So I'am checking some web site if there is "state=0".
If I put this:[1].nvoSwitch_1%23state&UID=root,PW=root

 in IE get


as response and there you see my state=0.

Problem is because if I look for "correct string " I get error that
string NOT found. But if I put "" (empty) for string I get OK status
from Nagios.

My current configuration is:

in command.cfg:

#'check_http_2' command definition
 define command{
       command_name    check_http_2
       command_line    $USER1$/check_http -S -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -s

in services.cfg

define service{
 use high-win-service
 host_name GXSIGX-KLIMA
 service_description Http Check 2
 contact_groups wan-admins
 check_command check_http_2!"[1].nvoSwitch_1%23state&UID=root,PW=root

Thank you for your help!

Regards, Borut
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