[Nagiosplug-help] looking for a WMI Memory plugin
Don Cathey
lamphax at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 23:06:31 CET 2008
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Jessica Kohlbecker <JKohlbecker at orcc.com>
> I am a bit new into the Nagios world, and I have looked everywhere to
> find a wmi pl script that will check a windows 2003 server's available
> memory and I just can't find one. I found SNMP but unfortunately our
> networking team won't allow me to use it. Anyone know of a wmi perl script
> that works similar to check_disk_wmi.pl that would do the trick? I am sure
> I am just not using the right wording while searching.
> Thanks in advanced!
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