[Nagiosplug-help] new host add problem

Smirnoff Alexander asmirnoff at office.beeline.ru
Fri Dec 26 16:08:48 CET 2008



I add some new hosts to my Nagios configuration, and check with nagios -v new config - without any problems. But when I restart my Nagios , I see on web page new hosts with status pending, but after some seconds all new hosts are hide .

When I want to see host details: http://spbmon/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=p8606-kuna28-core&style=detail

I see :

This host has not yet been checked, so status information is not available,

 and after some seconds:

Error: Host Status Information Not Found!

After what all new hosts and their services are hide.


Where I can find any solutions for this problem?


Alexandr Smirnov
+7(812)3468600 # 54682
Head of Data Transmission Networks Monitoring Service                        mailto:asmirnoff at gldn.net


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