[Nagiosplug-help] Plugin for hardware raid status

Philip Marcus pmarcus at structuredcommons.com
Mon Dec 22 19:34:42 CET 2008

Hi Daniel,

I don't know about your specific RAID Card, but I'm successfully monitoring
3ware and Adaptec RAID cards using Nagios.
First thing is to find the CLI (command line) tool used to interact with the
Adapter. For 3ware, this is called tw_cli. For Adaptec it's called arcconf.
These tools are located on the respective manufacturers websites or install
Once you have the CLI tools installed and know how to use them, you can
either build your own nagios check/plugin around it, or find something
almost ready for you here:

I'm using the check_tw_cli and check_icp plugins from that site, and with
minimal modifications, I'm successfully monitoring the RAID containers.
These plugins don't tell me which disk is having problems, but I'm notified
if the RAID container goes into degraded or another type of mode, and then I
can follow up and investigate further.

Hope this helps!


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Daniel Bareiro <daniel-listas at gmx.net>wrote:

> Hi all!
> I would like to be able to verify the state of the RAID volumes handled
> by a Smart Array E200 controller. Somebody knows some Nagios plugin that
> can recommend to me?
> Perhaps something that can interact with cciss_vol_status can be
> interesting, although this command seems that shows the state of the
> RAID as a whole and would not give of the discs that possibly could
> fail.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Bareiro - System Administrator
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