[Nagiosplug-help] nrpe plugin execution quesion

Jason Martin jhmartin at toger.us
Fri Sep 21 21:05:58 CEST 2007

On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 11:30:04AM -0400, Christine Ross wrote:
> I have solaris 8 servers at a collocation site who use a nagios server
> to monitor them.  They said to install the nrpe plugin on my servers so
> they can monitor them, which I did.  The nrpe daemon installed in
> /usr/local/sbin.  
NRPE is just the executor,it doesn't know how to do any
monitoring on its own. Think of it as a exceptionally locked
down version of rexec. 

Look at nagiosplug.sourceforge.net to download the standard plugin pack, which will have check_load and so on in it.

Also, be sure to configure your host via tcp wrappers or
iptables to only allow the monitoring server to get to the NRPE
port. No need to have the world calling check_load every .025s.

-Jason Martin
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