[Nagiosplug-help] Help compiling .c plugins from contrib/ folder

Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 00:19:14 CEST 2007

Most of the C  plugins depend on those files.
so If compiling any of these plugins seperatly, then locate those files;
they are somewhere in the directories after you uncompressed the plugins.

Once you locate the .h files if you choose to copy them make sure you copy
the .c files as well.

Hope this helps, (Note my test server is currenlty offline so I could not
verify the directory structure or command line)

Tony (Author of NC_Net)

On 10/16/07, Robert Hassing <robert at cable2000.nl> wrote:
> Hi
> Is there anybody who can tell me what the steps are in order to compile
> any
> .c plugin provided in the contrib. folder?
> I'm trying to compile the check_uptime.c plugin at this moment but it ends
> up with the following error:
> fw2:~/nagios-plugins-1.4.7/contrib# gcc ./check_uptime.c
> ./check_uptime.c:24: config.h: No such file or directory
> ./check_uptime.c:25: common.h: No such file or directory
> ./check_uptime.c:26: utils.h: No such file or directory
> ./check_uptime.c:27: popen.h: No such file or directory
> Is there a specific location to put the source and then compile it or?
> Hope someone can help me
> Regards
> Robert
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