[Nagiosplug-help] Help required on setting up check_snmp with nagios

Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 00:53:45 CEST 2007

I have the same problem using GMAIL.
When responding to the mailing lists through Gmail use the reply-all
otherwise it will default to the individual instead of the list.

in regards to some of your recent posts.
Your questions are too directed to your objective and it seems like you have
not done much/any reasearch on your problem.
as Andreas points out there is google.

There are several locations for information on plugins and nagios.
start from the nagios home page, and you will find links from there to
several locatoins like nagiosexchange and the official plugins.

Nagios can basically monitor anything you can get to a UNIX standard output.

it seems like most of your activities (in your recent posts) revolve around
Windows servers and applications.
there are several plugins for windows, as well as scripts that you can
install onto the host to assist in getting performance data and
informaiton.  However based on your interest of SNMP it would seem like you
do not want to install any software on the hosts, thus you will be limited.
If you cannot find adequate information on what you want to monoitor via
searching the internet and reading help files. then your next best resource
at that point would be to hire someone to assist in your endevors, (
example: groundworkopensource or some other company found through the nagios
web site) or you could try contacting microsoft to get their help in getting
what you need via remote Unix host.

good luck

Tony (author of NC_Net)

On 10/14/07, Madan Thapa <madan.feedback at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr Andreas,
> I extend my apology.. the to address might have changed by mistake
> somehow.. I was not aware of... I am aware of the fact whom to email so..
> since it went directly to you .. I again apologize for that.. but it was
> unintentional.
> Thanks
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