[Nagiosplug-help] nagios checking memory usage / free memory
Anthony Montibello
amontibello at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 01:54:28 CET 2007
Hi John,
I assume you may not have reviewed the nagios Documentation.
Nagios can do a lot of things, Scheduling, Downtime, Alerting, ect....
Aside from checking availability nagios can check Performance data via
Basically if you can get ouput to a command line Nagios can monitor it.
more specifically with memory check out the Nagios manual
has many community contributed plugins to assist with monitoring.
besides NSCLIent++ on windows, Windows machines may be monitored via
NC_Net, OpServices, NSClient, NRPE, NSCA, SNMP and there are probly other
Good Luck
Tony (Author of NC_NEt)
On Nov 18, 2007 11:35 PM, John Cecilio Diegor <john.diegor at gmail.com> wrote:
> good day,
> i would like to ask if how can i check the usage and free memory of a
> certain
> pc via nagios?
> regards and thank you.
> --
> john cecilio santos diegor
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