[Nagiosplug-help] NPRE with SSL broke Oracle 10g RAC SSH SSH User Equivalency

Vincent K. Britton BrittonV at Wiznet.com
Thu Nov 15 17:00:03 CET 2007



I installed the Nagios-Plugins and NRPE yesterday on one of Oracle RAC Servers.


I complied NRPE (as root) it with SSL. # ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/nagios --enable-ssl


However now the node with NRPE installed has now failed as it seems to broken our SSH User Equivalency?  Now logged in as the oracle user  all ssh commands are now prompting for passphrase?  The node without NRPE installed has taken over.


Does anyone know what I am talking about?  Well there is a firestorm here now because I installed Nagios and Broke Oracle, and well that’s not good for the career!


Does anyone have any experience with or know how I can rectify this?


Server information:

Oracle 10gR2
Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.5 (same as RHEL 4.5)





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