[Nagiosplug-help] Problem installing plugins
Matthew Joyce
MJoyce at ccia.unsw.edu.au
Thu May 17 07:07:47 CEST 2007
Firstly thanks for all your hard work.
I spent a frustrating hour trying to compile the plugins today,
configure worked fine, but make b0rked.
It turns out this was due to me having expanded the tarball in to a
folder with a space in the folder name.
/root/nagios source//nagios-plugins-1.4.8
When I renamed 'nagios source' to 'nagiossource' it worked fine.
I'm not sure if this is a problem with configure, or make or somewhere
else, but I thought I'd let you know.
Frankly I never use spaces, but for some reason I did and a thought at
the time, 'that will prolly give me a headache later', it did.
Matthew Joyce
02 9382 0051 | IT Manager | Children's Cancer Institute Australia for
Medical Research
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