[Nagiosplug-help] NRPE install error
Jensen, Palle L
c-palle.jensen at verizonbusiness.com
Wed May 16 18:40:57 CEST 2007
Thanks Jamie, I will try that.
Make sure that you have openssl installed and then use --with-ssl=[dir]
replacing dir with the path to your openssl library files. Alternatively
you can just disable SSL and lose some functionality ./configure
Jamie Learmonth
Palle Jensen wrote:
Running Fedora Core 6 - Nagios 2.9 /plugin ver: 1.4.7
We are trying to install the NRPE-2.8b1 daemon, to monitor remote Linux
When trying to install i.e. ./configure , we get "checking for
ssl...Configure: error: cannot find ssl libraries".
Any ideas on what we've missed and how we can fix this?
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