[Nagiosplug-help] check_procs fails in Solaris 10

David Rooney rooneyd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 12:23:12 CEST 2007

Hi Borja,

Their is a problem with the check_procs on solaris. It tries to use the pst3
instead of the traditional ps command. I did find a way to ofrce it to use
ps and the format when running configure but have forgot it and cant find
the article again.
I do have the compiled binaries though for sparc and x86. Maybe that will


On 3/28/07, Borja Gonzalez <borjag at tid.es> wrote:
> Hi.
> A couple of days ago I wrote to the list asking for help with a Solaris 10
> NRPE add-on compilation, and thanks to you, it finally compilled (although I
> had to toggle some options off... ;-)).
> Now I'm facing a different problem I hope somebody has suffered (and
> solved, I'm not that mean...) before:
> I've got my nagios host running in a Linux machine, and it's already
> monitoring some other Linux systems perfectly. Now I'm trying to do the same
> with my Solaris machines. I've got nrpe installed and running through inetd,
> and when I try check_nrpe from the remote host it works with most service
> checks (check_disks and users, for example, are performing fine...). But
> when I use the predefined *process checks* (total and zombie processes
> checks) I get a CRITICAL response because of a socket timeout:
> CHECK_NRPE: socket timeout after 10 seconds
> I already tried increasing the timeout value to 30, to no avail. It
> doesn't even work when I execute this check locally, by hand, or in any
> possible way I could imagine. What dazzles me is that the rest of checks
> work without the slightest trace of misbehaviour...
> Do you have an idea of what may cause this????
> Thanks again for your help!!
> Borja
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Dave Rooney
+31 638310013
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