[Nagiosplug-help] check_procs fails in Solaris 10
Borja Gonzalez
borjag at tid.es
Wed Mar 28 11:54:20 CEST 2007
A couple of days ago I wrote to the list asking for help with a Solaris
10 NRPE add-on compilation, and thanks to you, it finally compilled
(although I had to toggle some options off... ;-)).
Now I'm facing a different problem I hope somebody has suffered (and
solved, I'm not that mean...) before:
I've got my nagios host running in a Linux machine, and it's already
monitoring some other Linux systems perfectly. Now I'm trying to do the
same with my Solaris machines. I've got nrpe installed and running
through inetd, and when I try check_nrpe from the remote host it works
with most service checks (check_disks and users, for example, are
performing fine...). But when I use the predefined *process checks*
(total and zombie processes checks) I get a CRITICAL response because of
a socket timeout:
CHECK_NRPE: socket timeout after 10 seconds
I already tried increasing the timeout value to 30, to no avail. It
doesn't even work when I execute this check locally, by hand, or in any
possible way I could imagine. What dazzles me is that the rest of checks
work without the slightest trace of misbehaviour...
Do you have an idea of what may cause this????
Thanks again for your help!!
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