[Nagiosplug-help] Problem compiling Nagios plugins in Solaris 10
Borja Gonzalez
borjag at tid.es
Tue Mar 27 11:42:38 CEST 2007
I got it to compile using that option (--withouth-mysql), and then had
to do something similar when compiling nrpe, but this time disabling SSL.
Now I'm having problems contacting with the nrpe daemon from my nagios
host. The error message is:
CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon. Check the remote server logs
for error messages.
And searching through the logs I found my host is not allowed to connect
to the remote machines (Mar 26 21:52:21 orion nrpe[11492]: [ID 381997
daemon.error] Host X.X.X.X is not allowed to talk to us!).
I launched the daemon with the command nrpe -n -c
.../sample-config/nrpe.cfg -d, and added into nrpe.cfg my host's IP so
it's allowed to connect... I guess there must be a firewall I'm not
aware of...
Lars Stavholm escribió:
>Borja Gonzalez wrote:
>>I discovered Nagios a couple of weeks ago and found it very useful, so I
>>tried to use it to monitorize the systems I'm responsible of in my
>>private subnet. I chose a host to install Nagios in, and then make
>>active checks to the rest of machines, mostly Red Hat Linux Enterprise
>>Edition 3 and Solaris 10. I'm using *Nagios 2.8*, and *plugins 1.4.6*.
>>When I compilled Nagios Plugins in my host, a RHEL3, I got some errors
>>because of *mysql*... I searched through the forum, and found that it
>>could be because of mysql-devel, which wasn't present in my machine at
>>the time. Installed it and everything went ok. Then I went on to install
>>NRPE and plugins into my RHEL3, and a couple of OpenSUSEs, and found
>>that same error I had learnt how to solve... Once I installed the
>>correct version of mysql-devel, everything went fine.
>>My real problem appears when trying to follow that same proccess in my
>>*Solaris 10* machines. Compilation shows mysql errors, libexec directory
>>is never created, and everything points to the same error I was being
>>troubled with in my Linux machines, with this exception: I don't know
>>where to find mysql-devel for my Solaris 10 OS.
>Try "./configure ... --without-mysql ...".
>>I'm using NRPE 2.7.1 tarball, but my problem is with plugins. I also use
>>the *tarball*... Untar it and try to compile with ./configure, make, and
>>make install, but the first make ends with an error, and can't get it to
>So, what's the error then?
>>If someone had the same problem and you know the way they solved it, I
>>would be glad to know.
>>Thank you in advance!!!
>>Borja González.
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