[Nagiosplug-help] Checking for hung services on Windows?
Anthony Montibello
amontibello at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 19:12:06 CET 2007
NC_NEt is capable of doing WMI checks. and current version is able to run
Scripts/executables loaded into the script folder.
I have a new version of NC_NEt that offers a lot of updates to NC_NEt. I
will most likely be releasing it next week since I just finish codeing it
and I now need to test it. Only use the
http://sourceforge.net/projects/nc-net for NC_NEt the older version 2x and
earlier work with Dot Net 1.1. While The newest version comming out
v4.xhas the most functionallity as well as optimization of Event Log
checks and
NC_NEt Command timeouts.
As for the Hung program that is a difficult thing to detect on Windows. I
would say that it is application specific. for example, if the application
writes to a file every 10 min, then you can detect if it has hung if the
file has not been modified in over 10 min. Or if there is a command you can
issue to the program through a command line tool then you can test via a
How do I detect if a application has hung on windows, Is a good
Question. Too bad, there is no easy answer. Some application sometimes
apper Hung and Max out the CPU but once the CPU load decreases they begin
functioning normally again. So maybe you could monitor the applications CPU
load and Send out Warnings when it is above 90 and for over 5 min.?
Have you tried contacting the application developer to see if there is a
reason that caused it to Hang? or if the Application developer can recomend
an external way of testing if it has stalled?
Whatever you choose to do, NC_NEt should be able to assist you in meeting
this Goal. There are also other Windows clients and Scripts that could be
used as well. but the Key issue in your case is not WHat to use, but How to
detect this stalled app.
Hope this helps,
Tony (author of NC_NEt)
On 3/16/07, C. Bensend <benny at bennyvision.com> wrote:
> > I would think this is application specific, i.e. depending on
> > what the application is meant to be doing, you need to use it
> > somehow. Alas, you need to roll your own plugin.
> I'm guessing I probably do, yeah. :/
> See my reply to Thomas just a few minutes ago - this functionality
> is available to Windows ("This application has stopped responding"),
> so I wonder if WMI can tell somehow...
> Thanks!
> Benny
> --
> I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I ever catch a spammer,
> I will hang him upside down with rusty barbed wire by his nether-regions
> over a pit of rabid lawyers who haven't eaten in days...
> -- Benjamin A. Shelton
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