[Nagiosplug-help] Trap reset script
Thomas Guyot-Sionnest
Thomas at zango.com
Tue Mar 13 21:54:01 CET 2007
Hi lists,
Some time ago I talked about using a script for resetting traps; I just made
one. Unfortunately Nagios::Config was way too buggy to work on complex
configs so I went up with a solution using Nagios::StatusLog.
The command looks like this:
./TrapReset.pl -c /path/to/nagios.cfg
It will look up the status and command files from the Nagios config, parse
the status and then force an active check for services matching these
1. Should not be scheduled to be checked
2. Has active checks enabled
On my setup this roughly translate to all my traps (They all have the
following proprieties: check_period none; max_check_attempts 1; is_volatile
1; active_checks_enabled 1 )
Alternatively you can look in the code and replace:
if ($$log{'SERVICE'}{$host}{$service}{'should_be_scheduled'} == 0 &&
$$log{'SERVICE'}{$host}{$service}{'active_checks_enabled'} == 1) {
With the following line (already there, commented-out):
if ($service =~ /^.+Trap$/) {
Where '^.+Trap$' is the regexp to match. It will use the regexp to match
services on which to run a forced check. You can also change the command
sent, say if you want to submit passive check results instead.
This is by no way a finished product and I assume the user has at least
basic Perl programming skills to make this program suit his needs.
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