[Nagiosplug-help] Alerts flakey

Ezra Radoff ezra at iskoot.com
Wed Mar 7 17:55:09 CET 2007

I understand everthing about the definitions and dependencies. All that is fine.

Explain to me more about paging for hosts.
The alerts that didn't come were hosts not responding critical warnings.
But the critical warnings were service warnings.
Also, why can't you warn for critical host warnings?
I noticed that is not an option. I don't understand that.
It WAS working, BTW.. I think as one person suggested, it's flakiness of the service and not configuration.

-----הודעה מקורית-----
מאת: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest [mailto:dermoth at aei.ca]
נשלח: ד 07/03/2007 08:06
אל: Ezra Radoff
עותק לידיעה: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
נושא: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Alerts flakey
On 07/03/07 08:33 AM, Ezra Radoff wrote:
> They're not in the log. They're not running notifcations for critical
> events, just warnings.

You should check all notification criteria and timeperiods from the
services down to the contact. One omition in between can block

Also take into account depedencies. If the host is down and you don't
page for hosts you will not receive anything. Also if a host in the path
is down it might stop notification for upstream hosts/services.


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