[Nagiosplug-help] Alerts flakey
Ezra Radoff
ezra at iskoot.com
Wed Mar 7 08:57:18 CET 2007
hello. I've been using nagios for a couple of months now pretty successfully, but I've noticed that the alerting function is a bit flakey. I've been over the configuration many times, but everything seems fine. The amount of alerting it does seems to change after I restart the service with /etc/init.d/nagios restart. It was sending warning and criticals. Then, after a restart, it wasn't sending service critical alerts. Then I restarted it again. It wasn't sending anything. Then I restarted it again, and it was sending warnings.
I'm using version 2.6 which I got from the CVS tree a couple of months ago.
Can anybody give me a little help on this one?
The alert just calls a script I wrote by hand which is referenced in the commands.cfg . I don't use the groups or anything.
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