[Nagiosplug-help] OK prompt in Solaris

David Rooney rooneyd at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 13:13:31 CEST 2007

Hi Lalita,

The OK prompt is when a sparc solaris machine is at its bootstrap stage.
Their are no services running at this point. It can only be accessed via a
console server, direct connection to servers console port, via a KVM switch
or ALOM (not sure if this was available on Solaris 8).
For all intents and purposes the server is down at this point and it needs
booting so a normal check host should be adequete.


On 6/20/07, Lalita Drolia <ldrolia at bea.com> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I have come to know that there is a situation in Solaris machines called
> "Ok Prompt" where the machine can be pinged but not accessed as it is hung.
> Can you tell me the best check to deploy in such a situation? I decided to
> use check_ssh but unfortunately solaris 8 servers do not have ssh installed
> by default.
> What could be another alternative in such a scenario?
> Kindly help.
> Thanks in advance J
> With Regards,
> Lalita
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Dave Rooney
+31 638310013
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