[Nagiosplug-help] check_oracle_instance.pl + No Output

Prashant N massoo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 09:51:34 CET 2007


have a problem with check_oracle_instance.pl which returns No Output on
execution.If i execute the command manually as the user nagios as
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/contrib/check_oracle_instance.pl -u user -p pass -c
SK1 -a I get  SK1: ok. Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release -
But the same as service is not working. The commands.cfg entry is :
# 'check_oracle_inst_act_conn' command definition active-sessions
define command{
command_name check_oracle_inst_act_conns
command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER2$/check_oracle_instance.pl -u $ARG1$ -p
$ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -a

where USER2=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/contrib.

The services,cfg is :
define service{
use oracle-inst-active-sessions
service_description ORACLE-INSTANCE-ACTIVE-SESSIONS-SeaKey-Staging
contact_groups einsteins
host_name sk1-oradb.mobiapps.com
check_command check_oracle_inst_act_conns!seakey!keysea!SK1

Please help me out in getting this oracle plugin working.

If anyone can guide me how to monitor the clustered oracle instances that
would be great
Thanks & Regards
Prashant N
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