[Nagiosplug-help] problem with compilling nagios-plugin 1.4.5

Ковалев Александр Владимирович akovalev at sitels.ru
Fri Jan 19 11:26:14 CET 2007

Good day.

I have a problem, when I am compiling.

> ./configure -prefix=/opt/esw/nagios --with-cgiurl=nagios/cgi-bin


Then gcc make

>/usr/ccs/bin/make all


libtool: link: cannot find the library `/export/builds/s9-release/s9_u7ccd_03/usr/src/cmd/openldap/openldap-2.1.22/libraries/liblber/liblber.la' or unhandled argument `/export/builds/s9-release/s9_u7ccd_03/usr/src/cmd/openldap/openldap-2.1.22/libraries/liblber/liblber.la'

*** Error code 1

make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `check_ldap'

Current working directory /opt/esw/nagios-plugins-1.4.5/plugins

*** Error code 1

Why he begin find the library in /export/builds ?????

Is this problem of nagios or compiler?

What can I do to solve a problem?


С уважением,

Ковалев Александр

инженер отдела информационных технологий

департамента корпоративного обеспечения

JSC <SITRONICS Telecom Solutions>

mailto akovalev at sitels.ru

mob +79197277338

icq# 276864307


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