[Nagiosplug-help] How to monitor gross assembly.

Aritz.Lazkano at DaimlerChrysler.com Aritz.Lazkano at DaimlerChrysler.com
Thu Jan 18 08:56:21 CET 2007

Hi Nagios friend!!

I´m new in the world of nagios. We have to do a proyect with nagios. 

In then proyect we must to monitor a lot of this like SGBD , free disck 
space.... and also gross assembly things.

Into the gross assembly, we must monitor automatons(robots), controllers, 
WBs and PINFOs.

Here is the problem, we haven´t found anything about this, we dont know if 
there is any plugin or if we have to create our script and how to do this.

We will be really gratefull to you if you could answer.

Thank you for all. and sorry because of my bad english.

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