[Nagiosplug-help] check_snmp lacking in flexibility

Greywolf relayer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 23:52:25 CET 2007


I have a SNMP code I'm monitoring -- it's the Dell ArrayManager Battery
-- and I have the following codes:

1:    ready
2:    failed
6:    degraded
7:    reconditioning
9:    high
10:    low
12:    charging
21:    missing
36:    learning

1 is, obviously an OK state.
2 and 21 and, potentially, 6 are CRITICAL states.
Everything else is WARNING, as far as we're concerned.  Some
of them may be OK states.

However, check_snmp doesn't allow for individual values to
register as critical or warning or, in fact, OK.  -r almost
addresses this, but is very Sith-like in its approach (if you're
not with us then you're against us), since it overrides any warning
checks and marks any non-matches as critical.  Commas have been
instantiated as list value separators, so it would break the API
to use them.  It would be VERY nice to be able to specify multiple
-w or -c parameters and have them apply to the same OID (I'm only
requesting one OID at a time, typically).

# "Easy way":  Mark all non-OK as CRITICAL, but not what I need:
    snmp_check -o oid -H host -c 1
# Attempt to circumvent ranges, but now marks "learning" (code 36)
# as CRITICAL (I'm actually unsure of what this will do).
    snmp_check -o oid -H host -w 36:7 -c 7:20
# kind of misses the boat because all non-matches are deemed CRITICAL with
# no way to specify warning values (-w gets effectively overridden by the
# -r value):
    snmp_check -o oid -H host -r '1|7|9|10|12|36'

Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this -- or the incorporation of
an improvement -- would be greatly appreciated.

Currently, I have this check as a dependent service on a previous check --
the ArrayManager Global Status (-w 3 -c 1:4), so it never even gets run
unless the dependency fails.
/* relayer @t gmail d0t com */
/* ^ spam decoy ^ */
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