[Nagiosplug-help] Commands to be ran on windows machines remotely for Nagios

Sameer sonaikar at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 12:13:54 CET 2007

Hi Ingo,
  Thanks for the important information regarding cscript.exe.
  I am not interested to use the NRPE daemon as it is necessary to run continuously on the Windows machine. 
  I have written custom scripts in Perl which runs on the windows machine to check the directory and file existence and reports to the Nagios server accordingly. Currently I am using the NRPE daemon to run this script and is working fine.
  I am puzzled how Sitescope uses the NetBIOS information/credentials to login to the remote windows machine and retrieves data. I tried to search details on google but failed to get any.
  Your help will be valuable for me to add a remote service check to Nagios w/o using NRPE.

Ingo Lantschner <ingo.lists at vum.at> wrote:
Am 09.01.2007 um 11:29 schrieb Sameer:

> Is there any facility/tool/command available for running the 
> command on the Windows machine which could provide the result back 
> to Nagios server.
You can use NRPE, since there are nrpe-services for Windows 
available. From NRPE you can launch VBS-Scripts (using 
Windowsscripting Host, cscript.exe namely) even on remote-hosts, who 
do not have NRPE localy installed. Seems to work in small 
environments. I would not suggest it for larger LAN/WANs. Better to 
go with SNMP there, which can be checked directly - it is more stable.

HTH Ingo.

Ingo Lantschner
Mob (+43-664) 143 84 18

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