[Nagiosplug-help] check_snmp always returns a WARNING when multiple OIDs are supplied

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest dermoth at aei.ca
Fri Feb 2 10:15:31 CET 2007

On 02/02/07 04:02 AM, Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
> Sorry I just started a cross-post. Please reply to this one.
> I think for some reasons, when checking multiple OIDs snmpget try to
> process the MIBs and spit out an error due to missing or malformed MIBs.
> There seems to be an error in the way scheck_snmp sets the '-m' argument
> for snmpget. I won't need your debug output after all but rather look
> into fixing it ;)
> On a side note, you might want to fix those errors when using '-m ALL'
> in your snmp commands (snmpget, walk, etc). That will allow snmp* to
> resolve the oid and print names instead of numeric values.

I got the culprit. check_snmp checks for non-numeric characters in OIDs
and load the MIBs if it finds any (required to parse symbolic names).
The comma that separate multiple OIDs wasn't in the whitelist.

With the attached patch (or a fresh CVS checkout) you should be fine.


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