[Nagiosplug-help] check_nt WMI Perfmon - Virtual Memory Usage Output Problem

Lorand D'Caltan ldcaltan at isystemsllc.com
Sat Dec 15 23:42:37 CET 2007

	So I'm monitoring the virtual memory usage of a particular process via check_nt and the WMI interface.

The interface works great and it's returning data fine, the problem is that it's returning the value in bits.

Thus: Virtual Memory Usage: 141369344

That's 141,369,344 bits, or 17,671,168 bytes, or around 17MB of VRAM being used.

really don't want to have to run that through a calculator, and for
some reason, when I set the Warning/Critical limits to 12,000,000,000
and 16,000,000,000 respectively (Obviously without commas in the actual
config, 1.5GB and 2.0GB by the way) it goes critical immediately.

I would like one of two solutions to this problem, or both if that's feasable.

I would like to have the output display in MB or I would like a way for
the Warning and Critical levels to work correctly with the output
remaining in Bits.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
I don't mind compiling a separate version of check_nt if I have to, but
I'd rather just find a way to parse the output before it hits the
Nagios CGIs.

Thanks in advance.
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