[Nagiosplug-help] nsclient connection problem

Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 21:32:30 CEST 2007

Usually a connection refused is due to one of several reasons
1)  a firewall rejects the request
2)  The client agent is not running on the requested port (nsclient is not
turned on)
3) Client agent is rejecting the request (this is not typical)

things to check-
is nsclient running? (did you start it? has it stoped?)
What port is it using,
netstat -a   (may help to verify)
what port are you checking via check_nt?
check_nt and NSCLIENT have a default password of 'None' as opposed to no
check event log for errors (just in case it caught anything)

you can always try using a different windows agent, NC_Net installs easily,
NSClinetrt++ is another alternative agent to use. This step should not be
necessary since your issue is probably something simple that was overlooked.

Good luck,

Tony (Author of Nc_net)

On 8/20/07, eyal brave <eyal.brave at exanet.com> wrote:
> Hi list
> i have installed the nsclient on the windows side and for some reason when
> i try to make any query from the linux side i get a "connection refused by
> host" error, althow i didnt set any password and the windows firewall is
> off.
> any suggestions?
> - eyal brave (eyal.brave)
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