[Nagiosplug-help] check_http timeout
Victor.Gil at gi-de.com
Victor.Gil at gi-de.com
Fri Aug 3 12:22:41 CEST 2007
I'm running the check_http plugin on two nagios hosts in different
networks to check same IIS server.
To bypass the ntlm authentication I'm using ntlmaps as proxy in the
command line, and both hosts are using same command.
./check_http -H IIS_IP_Address -I -p 5865 -u
http://IIS_IP_ADDRESS/ -t 30
The nagios host that is in the same network of the IIS server works fine,
but the other host srvice check is answering timeout.
I tcpdumped on nagios host and the connection to the IIS server from the
nagios plugin is working in both cases.
I tried to connect using a web browser configured with same proxy in both
hosts and it works fine too.
I tried also with check_http v1.109 the nagios core is 2.9 and the
nagios-plugins package is 1.4.9 in both hosts.
Any idea?
Victor Gil
System Administrator
GyD Iberica, S.A. / Giesecke & Devrient Group
Industria, 3-5, E-08970 Sant Joan Despi (Barcelona), Spain
Ext. 371, Tel. (+34) 932.027.371, Fax (+34) 93 477 28 97
mailto:victor.gil at gi-de.com
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